Fresh and Original- Original songs from the San Diego Queer Youth Chorus

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The San Diego Queer Youth Chorus is proud to present ‘Fresh and Original’, a QYC virtual concert featuring original songs and spoken word.

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SDQYC presents ‘Fresh and Original’

A virtual concert of new original songs, spoken word and some covers…

Save the date: Sunday March 21, 2021at 2 pm.

RSVP to receive the live streaming link via email. Make sure to follow us on Facebook for more updates!

The San Diego Queer Youth Chorus is excited to present a virtual concert of new original songs and spoken word written and created by the members of the chorus. Working with songwriting coach Abby Dorsey, SDQYC accompanist Gina Seashore and playwright/rapper Miki Vale; members of the QYC have written more than nine original songs and spoken word pieces.

Drawing from their experiences amidst the worst pandemic in a century, these young artists have been meeting weekly since the Fall 2020 to create this unique concert experience for you.

The SDQYC is deeply grateful for the support and generous arts grant from the Jason Mraz Foundation and the support from San Diego Pride and the San Diego Womens Chorus.

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